The Joy of Living ......
I believe is what it says on the bottle. Not sure just how old this bottle of perfume was, it had been on Mum's dressing table for years, more years than Mum can remember, at least 29, that I do know .. Donkey's years is what she said when I asked her. It's empty now, put in the car air freshener ... It actually smells okay. The rose was a victim of my dead heading during one of the mornings gardening chores. I've no idea what cultivar it is as it was one of 5 stems given as a houseplant planter 3 years ago when I was visited by a good friend. I popped the stems in a larger pot & set them outside to see if they would grow on, & they did. In bud it's beautiful but not great when in full bloom. I'm keeping it for sentimental reasons as I'm not a great rose fan. Other jobs in the garden .....prepared & planted Spanish lavender, & Salvia 'Mystery Red' cuttings. Pulled out some Euphorbia, it does a great job but it's a bit of thug,smothering other plants. Those bits when into pots too.
Gardening chores completed hubby & I went into Newton Abbot to grab a few bits, relatively quiet, just how I like it. Bought a few goodies for Mum so dropped them off on the way back, followed by a swift half at The Claycutter's Arms in the village. It was quite chilly sat outside.
Back at base I had some windfall apples, some very freshly harvested tomatoes, & Victoria plums so thought I would make a batch of fruity sauce. It only made 3 bottles BUT if I had'nt made preserves I would have made a pie or crumble, naughty but nice I know, but then I would have had to eat it all as hubby does'nt like sweet stuff particularly.
Thanks to Marlieske for continuing to host Derelict Sunday
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