'Beware of leopard in sheeps clothing'
A piece I made earlier in the week while participating in a 1hr live Instagram Art challenge with Emily Powell - emilypowellstudio, & kyanmusic . I love her pallette. It was great fun, I was just a little too eager to put colour to paper so when Emily asked us to draw an animal on the paper, I immediately drew a sheep, with her next breath she said, "perhaps a leopard". Too late. I was also working with oil pastels not acrylics as Emily & Kyan were but I think it's a pretty impressive piece and worthy of place on anyone's wall. Joking!!!! :-)) n.b Must remember to sign it.
A trip to the plot early this morning, the sweetcorn still just about standing upright with the aid of a couple of stakes & baler twine. I found two old rusty metal stakes that I think might have been used for supporting raspberry canes in a past plot. They fitted the bill for my raspberry canes, for now anyway. Next job, splitting & potting up the clump of Shasta daisy I brought back from BT earlier in the week. 24 pots, plus 4 clumps, 3 for me, 1 clump for Josie's new herbaceous border.
Down to Mum. sort out her laptop, add BBC iplayer for her. Back home, lunch, then Josie arrived for a catch up.
Easy dinner tonight .. I've got freshly picked tomatoes, a courgette, plus the first sweet green pepper, from a crop I've never grown before. Pasta something I reckon .. Oven baked fish & chips for hubby.
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