
By stellarossa


I sympathise with the whole teething business, but get off my shoe, Juno! All those chewable toys we bought lie just out of shot....

Yesterday I took Josh for a Covid test as he might have been exposed to someone who had tested positive. Tom was due home today and if he has any exposure to the virus he can’t go anywhere near work (which is, of course, at a Covid test centre just not the one near us). So basically if Josh tested positive, Tom couldn’t and shouldn’t come back and we are all restricted to the house.

The government online booking system is ridiculous as it tried to send us to Wokingham or Birmingham rather than the test centre in Oxford but we knew from Tom that you can just turn up and also that many test centres are not busy right now. The test was at 5pm yesterday and he got his negative result by 8am today. Very impressive .

At work those who are ‘at risk of redundancy’ are going through selection processes right now. It all feels a bit grim. By some miracle my whole team has survived intact but it’s hard to get much done with redundancy processes on top of the usual August holiday absences. My lovely friend Sophie, of the amazing mosaic seat, will be redundant before the end of the year. I actually think it will be good for her if she can make the mosaic business work enough to give her some income, but the thought of going back to an office without her there feels very sad. On that front, I’ve been risk assessed and am allowed back in the office from 5 October but will only do a half day a week (mainly for access to a printer) so I don’t take up a space needed by someone who can’t work at home,

Finally I have been inspired by the ‘How to lose a stone in 21 days’ programme and am tackling the lockdown weight gain of 5+kg on top of the extra pounds I had already been carrying for some time. My BMI went above 25 for the first time ever so I need to tackle that and my expanding waistline.

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