my ears would pop when going to my room

Final day in New York and as is the routine, up at 5am, briefly awake at 3 but I managed to gt back to sleep. There was quite a lot I still wanted to do while in New York and with potential chaos at the airport, 5000+ flights cancelled in the last 48 hours, there was concern that there would be queues at the airport.

First up breakfast. Let's face it, Broadway is not the best place in the world to get breakfast and it was a bit of a struggle to find any decent places. I headed out amidst scenes of snow induced carnage. At times it looked like a scene from some armageddon snow zombie flick. I was pretty amazed that so much of the snow had already been cleared. Interestingly, I saw three guys nearly finished removing snow from a wall surrounding some US bank. Clearly it was a vital task to ensure the wall was cleaned in a specific way. Some of the roads were completely empty before 6am, I guess there isn't much activity early on the Saturday in downtown Manhattan.

I eventually found a breakfast place and then headed up to the Top of the rock only to discover that my camera battery was running low! Fantastic. Note to self, next time bring more than one adaptor. A quick return to the hotel to charge it and deal with a variety of tasks, more gift purchases, a coffee and some cheesecake. Nice but a touch heavy.

Back to the Rockefeller, recommended by Mdmeshootsalot. Up and the doors were closed. People grumbling that the platform looked bone dry. I asked one of the security guys and he said that we should just head out and he wasn't sure why it was closed. The views, clearly pretty underwhelming, nothing to write home about blah blah blah.

The scale is pretty extraordinary.

Then it was back to the hotel and a very poor pizza/calzone for lunch. I feel like I have not eaten a vegetable since I have been here and it will be veg fruit detox once I get home.

Anyone that knows me might know that shopping is one of my least favourite hobbies. It is also, one of the things many people come here to do. I returned to the infamous Macy's and shock horror, had an excellent time making a variety of purchases. This time I didn't have to look for someone to pay for some items for 10 minutes.

After that , walked past the Empire State which is again, off the scale. So much of this city is quite mind boggling. Back to the hotel to get ready to head, via a green tea in a diner as the lack of greens was having an adverse effect on my stomach.

Up to the airport courtesy of a very efficient driver. Looking forward to some sleep.

One of the weirder aspects of this trip, every time I went up to bed after an evening wandering around, the difference in height would make my ears pop.

1° 20cm snow

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