Lovely Asha

This morning we were up and out to meet a family for breakfast. They met Danny in a bar the other night and discovered they're Christians who know about 24-7 Prayer and that we have friends in common!! They and Danny got on well (they're here on holiday) so arranged for us to all meet up today! It was a great success so we're seeing them Monday night too and have plans to keep in touch. I'll add an extra of the pic Jeff took. 
Brilliant to skype our beloved M&M despite the fact I had to duck out early to meet our Social Worker friend. 
Tonight we took our picnic to the rocks pre waving at Sole. It'll be our last for a while because as of Friday eating outdoors (other than cafes etc) will not be allowed - so no more picnics! 
Feeling a bit gutted as my family's visit in October is looking unlikely to happen. It's been a year since I saw them last...nothing compared to a lot of families, but I still feel sad!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting the lovely family this morning. What a gift that time was. 
2) Waving to Sole.
3) Time by the sea.

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