
By karisfitch

Great advice from Grandparents

It’s rare to meet Granda, and not be cited a wise or amusing piece of poetry. Today’s was some advice on relationships - not sure if he thought it was in the wise or amusing category?!

“To keep your marriage brimming,
With love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it;
Whenever you're right, shut up.”

But definitely in the wise category, was the advice Grandma gave when I asked her what she would say to someone who had lost their spouse - having lived with that loss herself for over 10 years now. She said, to keep living. Keep meeting people. Keep doing the things that you love.

Was looking over palliative care lectures today - and came across Tonkin’s model of “Growing around Grief”. Which reminded me of what she had said. The loss never becomes painless, but life can keep growing even when the pain is there.

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