Didn’t think we would. Just hope we don’t get quarantined, but if we do we both have lots of jobs to do. :)))
#left home at 3:30 AM!!
#best thing about early flights is seeing the sunrise.
# heads, shoulders, knees and toes.... well with mask over nose and mouth, eye mask on and headphones...all covered. :)))

The airport experience was fine, few crowds, few shops open, very organised and a plane half one behind or to side and we had 3 seats each!!!!

#still get a buzz when I see the Parthenon.

Went to see Maria and spend some time sharing memories, crying and laughing and hopefully distracted them all my their sad loss. Funeral tomorrow.

## checked into hotel, unpacked and then poolside with a mojitos as soon as possible.

In the evening we walked into a much quieter town for a very socially distancing mezzo. Yummy.

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