This morning we drove to the church for the funeral of #this man....a kind, thoughtful gentleman who is O’s Greek Dad. The Rev had taken his clergy clothes so was able to send him with English prayers too. When O lived and worked in Greece for a year He would wait up until the early hours to collect
O from the metro after work. When we went to visit his hospitality was generous and he was so kind to my Mum. It’s sad and hard to comprehend. RIP Alben.
After the service we stayed with the family to share a special meal.

#in the afternoon we rested on my favourite beach.....Balux. We read and swam and avoid jellyfish!!!!! Well The Rev didn’t he got stung!!! But he said the allotment nettles were worse.
We enjoyed a lovely dinner and watched the beautiful sunset. I think my first beach sunset will always remind me of Alben.
Later the Rev drove for 20 mins to see a beautiful view....NO....silly man it was pitch black :))))) so the day had to end on a high....posh ice cream time at IceRoll.

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