After our successful jaunt last week to Jack’s in Old Town, we decided we would go again today.  I had some packages to go to the Post Office so it seemed sensible to do this at the same time as it is almost next door to Jack’s so off we went wearing our masks.  I did say to Mr. HCB that I think the issue for me - and not a vain one - is that I feel very self-conscious about wearing a mask, but it was fine and we realised that more people were wearing them just to walk along the street.

We were enjoying our coffee when I saw that I had a missed call from our older son, but he obviously didn’t leave a message so I rang him back - he said that he had just come downstairs and heard a voice, which was  my voicemail and realised his phone had “accidentally” rung me!  I asked him if he wanted to speak to me, even though it was accidental and he said I had been on his list to call, so both Mr. HCB and I  had a good chat with him.  

We then went to the Co-op to buy some chocolate biscuits ready for the two men coming to erect our fence on Saturday.  We both agreed afterwards that it wasn’t a very pleasant experience because there were a lot of people in there either not wearing a mask or walking the wrong way.  One young lady, who wasn’t wearing a mask, but who had a small child with her was walking completely the wrong way and obviously wasn’t bothered about physical distancing.  When I pointed to the arrows going our way when she was walking straight towards us, she glared at me so we just shook our heads and walked on.  I realise there may be reasons for people not to wear a mask, but there is no excuse for not following the arrows on the floor.  Then we saw a young man with the mask under his nose - a lot of good that was doing - and then a man obviously from the building site opposite came in carrying his mask in his hand.  Sometimes I despair - so we both agreed that we will not be going into the Co-op again.  Rant over!

We got home just in time, as it has now started raining quite heavily and it looks as if it will be here for the rest of the day, so it’s an indoor Blip today for Abstract Thursday.  I wonder if anyone can guess what flower these seeds come from?  A clue - there were several in the bouquet I received a couple of weeks ago from a friend.  Apparently, they are quite difficult to germinate, but you all know that Mr. HCB loves a challenge, so once the flowers had died off, I saved the seeds and hopefully, he might be able to nurture them so that we can put them in the garden next year.  Time will tell.  

If you boil it down, 
     just because someone else does the wrong thing 
          we are not exempt from doing what’s right.” 
E.A. Bucchianeri

P.S.  These are Gerbera seeds.

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