
By Zia

Getting a run for my money

My Blip photo today is one that's a familiar scene for anyone who knows Nairobi. All the way down the highway that dissects the city are street vendors, newspaper and managing sellers.

Over 10 years ago I worked in the Industrial Area and my commute was at least 2 hours down the highway and back. I made friends with many of the vendors and came to appreciate that they were hardworking, caring (a few accidents and breakdowns as proof) and entrepreneurial. One of the vendors was Mwangi, who's photo this is.

I removed buying my first magazine from him. He came up to my door and asked me to roll down the window as he presented a Forbes Magazine. I declined and looked uninterested. He then smiled, reached into his pile of rolled up magazines under his arm and said in Swahili "I know what you are looking for". At that precise moment I froze in horror thinking he would present me with a copy of Playboy or similar. He dusted down a magazine and presented me with "Accountancy Today". I don't think I have been more insulted!

Today I met him again after many months. We caught up a little and he then presented me with the Harvard Business Review. I wouldn't normally buy it but as I going back to so my Masters, I thought it would be a good idea.

Before I could pay him, the lights changed and he flung the magazine into my car. I couldn't pay him in time and the taxi I was in drove off. Although I was really upset I knew that he would arrive in my office this afternoon to collect payment. So we drove to the next lights. Before long he arrived at my door again, panting and laughing. I paid him and he went off happy as ever.

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