Rocky Road

Well it is a rocky road if anyone is trying to go on the bike in the centre of the picture.

This is a view from garden of friends in Burntisland in Fife looking over the Edinburgh.

I had to go to Cowdenbeath to collect some yellow sand to finish off the pointing on the pathway: what seemed like the last 2 bags in the east of a Scotland were there.

It gave me a good excuse to pop in for a coffee. Lovely to chat and catch up in person. And our dog enjoyed being spoiled and disemboweling a crocodile - see extra.

I was also given the opportunity to visit the shrine to signed Liverpool shirts. A photo of them almost made the blip but there was a bit too much reflection on the glass. Another time?

Back over the Forth and a 25mph lunchtime crawl round parts of the bypass. Lot of traffic about despite the cool weather.

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