The Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen....

A day off today. Once I had been round and fed the cattle , loaded up Junior and all his worldly goods into the car, and after 165 days of lock down , finally headed up the road to drop him off at Uni.
Once we were over the new Forth Road Bridge ( or Queensferry Crossing as it is known) the sun shone more or less all the way. Saw a lot of combines working between Dundee and Aberdeen which did nothing to help my blood pressure !
Once he had all his belongings deposited he dragged me round Morrison’s to stock up with food . As usual he shopped and I paid !
A good run back down the road tonight until I crossed the bridge again where upon the sun went and hid behind the cloud again .
So after a round trip of 300 miles, nothing has changed .
Bugger !

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