Robin Hood And Maid Marian

My back is still giving me trouble and the pond is quiet so I decided to blip things from my curio cabinet since it requires little physical effort. (If you want to see Friar Tuck, check Extra.) These are delightful figurines made by Wee Forest Folk.  I've had them a long time and would have many more were it not for the fact that they are painfully expensive.  

I have an appointment next week with my neurosurgeon to discuss a third spinal shot, an interlaminar epidural steroid injection to be precise.  I had two last year with marginal relief so I don't have high expectations for a third.  We'll discuss what comes next because I have continuous pain which makes it hard to walk for very long.  I believe the next step is fusion of the guilty vertebras (4 & 5).  Wish me luck. 

I wonder who coined the term "golden years".  I'd like to know what they were thinking.  "Rusty years" seems more appropriate, at least in my case.     

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