Lovely morning, had my first Tai Chi session with C and friends today for 2 weeks and it was so lovely to see everyone again.  We've started on new forms now and it's sooooo good.

Hubby was up the allotment, G was looking at Hi-FI (he's obsessed by Hi-Fi) online and dreaming.  

Then this afternoon I popped into the garden to photograph something for blip.  I got to our buddleia, which is beginning to go over now and it WAS ALIVE WITH BUTTERFLIES, there must have been 10 or more around all the same time. YIPPEEEE.  All these lovely tortoiseshell ones with an occasional cabbage white and loads of buzzers.

I just stood so close to them but they just kept on feeding, whizzing past me, even, extremely briefly, landing on me (I didn't move at that point as I didn't want ot frighten it).  I felt like I was in a butterfly room - which made me think of my lovely friend Carolyn from Manchester who loves butterflies and has drawn wonderful Doctor Who images in a Butterfly Room.  

It's  such a lovely day and not too hot.

Sadly once everyone's gone back to school on Wednesday then the weather turns, but never mind.  We still might go for a drive on Thursday, if it's quiet enough. I still don't want to go into shops, crowded places or do too much, but very slowly trying to get used to a new normal.  Not ready for public transport yet or pubs.  We either have to have a vaccine or ZERO covid before I'll do that.

Well that's me for today, well and suitably chilled.  I'll try and not take tooo many photos of the butterflies but I might it regularly just in case we see some different ones on the buddleia.

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