Saying her prayers

Mr C had a phone message at 6.30 this morning from his aunt. She had hoped he was walking the dog and she could talk to him as he walked. He was out with Ruby but hadn’t taken his phone, hence the message. He called her on his return and she told him they have discovered a tumour on her lung. J has had a cough for a year or more but only during lockdown has her symptoms got worse and she has had a couple of hospital visits due to the trouble with her breathing. On Monday, after coughing up blood, she was admitted again and they found the tumour.  J is a similar age to my mum and the past couple of years her and her husband have been backwards and forwards looking after great auntie B and G uncle B and I imagine the toll has caught up with her and that she possibly put her own health on the back burner whilst looking after them. She is due a biopsy late next week and we pray a treatment plan can be sorted for her.

(Rinks in Ruby’s bed... again )

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