
Back to grey skies and cool weather. London has certainly had a very poor summer this year. What’s the betting we get an Indian summer as we return to school (rolling eyes emoji).

I had an appointment at St. George’s this afternoon to have a mole checked. I’m quite a moley person and wouldn’t really notice any new ones but a couple of weeks ago I noticed one on the front of my shoulder, under my bra strap. By the time I saw our doctor it had gone down and I then wondered if I had caught it on my bra or bag strap and I told her this but she still said we will get it checked as I have had a basal cell carcinoma and another mole (non malignant) removed. Previously I went to Kingston Hospital which is nearer to us. Mr C kindly took me to St George’s.  I had a full mole body check and, although she is not overly concerned with the mole, she has requested it to be removed for biopsy just to double check and it may be a while as it’s not an urgent one. I then had to go to a different wing of the hospital to have it photographed.

A bit of faffing on a houseplant is as good as it gets.

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