
By LifeLines

Autumn bounty

A few days pottering at home. Dog walking and allotmenteering! The days have been warm but the night's are getting cold for the time of year - down to 10 degrees last night, which for the south of England feels cool! 

At the allotment I have pulled up lettuces which have gone to seed.  The runner beans and courgettes are showing promise as they are still in flower but they won't be enjoying the cold nights, so I am not sure how productive they will be going forward.  I've also pruned the black currants and red currants, and cut out last year's growth on the Tayberry bush (the fruit form on the previous year's growth).  I've also done a major load of strimming - the grass has been growing strong with all the rain we have had these past two weeks.

In the dog walking field the teasels have gone to seed and the goldfinches are enjoying their autumn bounty.

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