Awaiting Machine

I did say last week that if the washing machine was not delivered on time this week (I had made an error, it was due today, not Wednesday) we would cancel the order and shop elsewhere.

Last night we had the confirmation email that it would be delivered between 3 and 5 pm today, Tuesday. Hooray! We have a ton of laundry piling up, what with all these muddy walks and such.

Very early this morning Mr Flum received a text to the effect that this would not now take place and they would phone shortly. We waited for that call until late morning then went shopping for an hour, with the phone at the ready to answer without delay.

They eventually phoned at 3 pm with the news that the delay has been caused by 'an ongoing IT problem', didn't know when it would be resolved or how many other customers have been similarly affected. Mention was made of Priority Delivery but this did not appear to be any more reliable than the current system, so we cancelled the order and spent the rest of the afternoon researching alternative models and suppliers to replace the exclusive (and elusive) John Lewis model and placing an order.

It should be here on Thursday.

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