
By Brookeside


This morning I took all my milk and ate my breakfast - a big bowl of porridge! I don't normally eat my breakfast so mummy was very happy :) Maybe it's because I had a very deep 12 hour sleep last night. We took this photo when I was all done and sent it to daddy at work to tell him how clever I was! Today we went to baby club for the first time in ages. It wasn't as busy as normal but there were lots of new tiny babies there.Mummy says she can't believe now that I was ever a wee tiny baby who just went to sleep a lot! After we came home I was zooming about the living room in my walker when I started grabbing all the books off the bookshelves as usual (and then dropping them on the floor) However when I got to dear zoo I got very upset when I let it go. Mummy picked it up and sat back down on the couch and I came galloping over and bounced up and down and made my excited screeching noises until mummy picked me up and read it with me! I showed mummy and daddy how clever I was by moving all the flaps myself and knowing which ones moved to the side and which went up or down!

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