
By Brookeside


This morning gran and papa took me to gymnastics! It was great fun, I got to play with soft blocks, balls, run about the huge space and look at the girl in the mirror but my absolute favourite thing was the trampoline. I kept running back to the trampoline all the time. Gran says we can go back :) then I had a good sleep in the way home after tiring myself out. I had my lunch then played with my toys, I wouldn't let my peppa pig go though so had her tucked under my arm for ages! Daddy came to get me and luckily we got home before the snow started. I don't know what the fuss is about though it's just some white flakes, I looked for about 30 seconds then went back to playing! When mum got home I rushed through to the hall and threw myself at her legs and wrapped them in a big hug. I looked at her feet and said slippers? So we went on a hunt for mums Minnie Mouse slippers that match mine. I kept shouting where are you slippers! Then 'ta-dah ' when we found them :)

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