
By LadyPride

Morecambe Bay

Today was my husband's Grandma's funeral service. Hazel loved spring so it seemed fitting that the sun broke through the clouds as we climbed the M6 towards Lancaster.

I've literally visited Morecambe and Carnforth hundreds of times since I met my husband and I can honestly say it has never looked finer than it did today. Spring had sprung (even if it was only for a day!)

The service was held at a crematorium in beautiful gardens up in Bare and afterwards we went onto a golf club, overlooking the bay. The view was spectacular (see blip pic).

We'd dressed Audrey up for the occasion in a black and pink striped dress with a matching pink bolero cardigan and white tights with black dolly shoes attached. She looked so pretty. And she was so well behaved! The funeral service and its peace seemed to soothe her and it was only towards the end that she began to get restless. My Mum-in-law passed back one of her silver bracelets to us at one stage we were seated behind her. Audrey used it as a teething toy which bought us another five minutes of peace!

We lay daffodils on the coffin as a family which was very emotional, especially for my husband. Audrey wouldn't let go of hers which provided a moment of light relief and humour.

At the golf club Audrey seemed to bring some life and vitality to the proceedings with elderly guests even queuing to say hello to her at one stage. You'd think a room full of strangers would over-face her but she wasn't phased. I was so proud of her today and more in love with her than ever.

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