Pathways To Success?, London

I made my complaint to my train company about my axed direct train to London Victoria  during rush hour and the answer was a very polite way of them saying f**k off, you've got no chance of us changing a thing. So now, between 6.23 until 7.34 in the morning there will be no direct train and I will have to change trains. They've hacked away at the service from my station for the past three years or so. I'm sure it's so they can refer to falling footfall in the future as an excuse - the exact cause of which is them cutting services in the first place.
Apparently, the government (Boris in particular) want more people to get back on the trains and into the office. I would say to anyone contemplating a return don't do it. The wearing of face masks is NOT being enforced - on my train tonight there were at least three people in my carriage not making the effort and absolutely nothing was done. The train company say it's the police's problem and the chance of seeing a police officer doing the enforcing is precisely nil.
Another aspect is the lack of any running water in many of the onboard toilets and no sign of any hand sanitiser - definitely a case of bring your own. The trains are only going to get busier and less hygienic, never mind the lack of social distancing.Right, I've had my rant and I feel a bit better. 
Today's shot was taken on my usual lunchtime walk. They are saying that the education possibilities for poorer people are being reversed under this government and the the pandemic is making it even worse. I can well believe it.

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