Life is there for living.

By Jumumford

A bit of a roller coaster ride

We went to have a cup of tea with dad this morning before heading off to Knock airport. On route to Dads we stopped off at the shops for some supplies, which will keep him going for a while.

I'm actually quite worried about him and his health, but what can you do when he lives so far away?

We made a pact that we will speak regularly on the phone (now that he has a phone!). So we can at least nag him about looking after himself.

I won't go into detail on here, but its been one hell of an emotional roller coaster ride these last few days. I'm just glad that my brother and I are close and we have each other to get through it all. And a very supportive hubby who just the best.

Back to work tomorrow and some sort of normality.

Picture: a view out of our dinky plane on the way home.

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