.....my name is pain........

We've had a mouse in the garage over winter...it was o.k. when it started to pinch the bird seed...it was even o.k. when it pinched my ground bait.....i even let it off when it had some of my bait pellets....but now it's gone too far.....it has made a nest in Charlotte's buggy and begun to gnaw at the straps. We've rescued the buggy....cleaned it....and repaired the straps...and the Boss has decided......the mouse has to go.

So here's the solution......the Big Cheese mouse trap....pre-baited with artificial cheese.....a pack of two. We decided against catch and release....because it will only come back.......and it's worked....last night I found.....one dead mouse....sorry little fella but Charlie comes first.

Today I had a visit to the dentist for root canal treatment ready for the fitting of a new crown to replace the glued in one that failed. 45 minutes in the chair....three injections...lots of drilling....even the cutting back of my gum! Not much pain....now I have to go back next Monday to have the crown fitted....at 10.20 so that means I need to get a message to work to tell them I'll be in late...not easy over half term.

After the procedure the dentist asked if I was paying today...of course I was...then he tried to charge me £180...whoa there big fella....last visit you told me that there was no charge for the replacement crown as it was under guarantee....only £48 for the root canal treatment....a bit of a discussion followed...and he conceded defeat....after all I have the treatment plan and receipt from the last visit to prove it.

Home...and the anaesthetic wore off.... a day of pain....still throbbing away now. Spag bol for dinner....requires no chewing.

Tomorrow I'm off to see Dad...it's his birthday on Wednesday....the Boss is going to bring her Dad over and we'll take them both for lunch....and Uncle Dennis if he's up for it...and then I'm back home in time for the Real Madrid-Manchester United match...Thursday will be book marking day! Oh joy.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

(No quiz tonight, it's our week off)

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