A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


One of a spectacular collection of (rare breed?) hens parading around a garden. Every one was different - this one had feathers all the way down to it's toes as far as we could tell!

Anyway - she provided a splash of colour on another rather wet day.

We set off home, planning to meet up with M in leamington, supposedly in good time given that the weather forecast wasn't good - however a number of things scuppered that plan - mostly crap signposting in Kidderminster where we completely circumnavigated the ringroad looking for the road out, flooded roads, snow, and even crappier (non-existent) signposting in Warwick.

Had a break with Martin which settled the tension somewhat, and ploughed on home along the A14.

Dear Highways Agency, simply lighting signs saying 'Gritting' is not sufficient - you actually have to put the grit on the road too.

Long swathes of A14 were in very poor condition given the not-particularly-heavy snowfall.

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