Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Half Term

First day....I've booked all week off with the boys...I might regret it!!

Hovis has been to the groomers today, although it isn't easy to tell from the muddy state he is in here. Wellies are all the rage, aren't they? So why will my boys never wear them? Oh no, get the shoes caked in mud instead.

I had an midday gym session and a good laugh with my friend, Linda, who was telling me all about a dream she'd had last night where her Dad was a zombie who was chasing her to suck out her eyes....he had a kind of motorised zimmer too which must've been very freaky!

Had a late afternoon walk with two sons (Jed stayed with a friend) and Hovis. Enjoyed the walk but it took twice as long as it does when I go alone...I don't stop to throw stones or to climb bridges...more's the pity...

My friend, Kath, called around in the evening. Good catch up and lots of gossip.

Booked a trip I am excited about. All good!

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