A walk with Bertie the Beardie

On Tuesday when we went on our 'big long 11 mile walk' we met 'Bertie the Beardie' and our owners arranged a 'play date' for us. Actually it wasn't so much a 'play date' as a 'big long walk date'.

I haven't seen Bertie for ages. When I was a weeny, teeny little puppy I used to meet him in the park all the time and our owners used to chat. …............And then lockdown happened.............

We met Bertie at the entrance to the Hermitage at 8.30am and went on a 7 mile walk. It was fabulous?!! However, I have to say Bertie wasn't in a very playful mode. He was very subdued and wasn't running around and playing like he normally does. His owner said he'd been to 'doggy day care' yesterday, so maybe some of the other doggies had bullied him. Or maybe he was just tired?!!

Anyway we had a fabulous walk. And we were both off our leads for pretty much the whole walk. Just before we went back on our leads we walked through Braidburn Valley Park and Bertie decided that he did want to play with me after all. Yay! We raced around together and had a super duper time.

Quite often Bertie's owner walks him to M&S and Waitrose and ties him up while she does a bit of shopping we're really going to miss the security guys outside all the shops that keep an eye on us doggies so Ann said that the next time they go shopping they should pop in for a glass of wine (the humans obv) and she will provide some treats for us doggies.

I really hope Bertie will come to visit soon because he is my bestest friend in the  whole wide world??!!!!!

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