Brooklyn Bridge

Facing Brooklyn.

Weather was really pish, very Scottish, today. Shame after the lovely day yesterday. I decided to go see the World Trade Centre happy happy joy joy place but due to the prospective uber somber nature of that location and the fact I got distracted by the Brooklyn Bridge I spent the day being the only honky in the village in Brooklyn.

Quite a stark contrast to Manhattan, the disparity in affluence quite obvious. it's a great place and I'd love come back in better weather. Main things experienced in Brooklyn;

Still getting caught out by these stoopid portions, a 'small' pie (pizza) is actually 16" (wonder what size folks cocks are around there?). Conversing with your waiter is apparently much better done extremely loudly, threateningly and racist (Hispanic vs. Mexican). The use of the N word sounds really odd when used in real life by folk not actually being racist or pretending to be black. You get shit weather here too. I prefer Brooklyn to Manhattan, it's like the Leith of New York; saw a fair few Kirkgate wannabes. Being the only white dude or at least in a very small minority is an odd feeling. One I don't think I've experienced before which is the only reason i mention it.

So, I doubt I'll do the WTC site this time. Plan for tomorrow is get the subway or some wheeled thing up north of Central Park and walk down through it. If the weather's good.

If the weather is shit again, I'll go get fucked up in a cocktail bar. I've not had a single sip today and I've been mostly bored shitless.

Thank fuck I'm over here though. Grim goings on down Easter Road way. Which reminds me; I made a decision to unofficially twin Leith with Brooklyn earlier on today. More the bridge rather than Brooklyn really and more the Hibs than Leith really because both came into existence in 1875.

Gonna watch a movie and hope for rain tomorrow...

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