Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Return visit

The delivery of two new dining chairs this morning. Two old chairs have been banished to the shed for now.

Archie’s favourite day - Elizabeth came to take him out. And a nice sunny breezy day it was too.

I was keen to go for another delicious oatmilk flat white at my new favourite cafe - Kauai. And perhaps another wrap...

And so we dandered across, passing the other newly opened cafe (but no indoor seating yet). And it was quite busy, though we got a seat. We tried a different wrap this time and shared it (they are huge) and had our coffees. Excellent.

We wandered down town, we wanted to see the premises of a new shop our friend has procured. Very exciting! And right beside it was an Italian Gelateria. Had to sample some. I forgot my new rule of just a single, and accidentally ordered a double.

The Royal Mile was mobbed actually. Pipers, street performers, cartoonists, jugglers and even the woman with all the metal in her face was there. Just like old times, but not so manic. All the pubs and eateries were busy. 

We took the bus home (6,695 steps). We’re watching ‘The Spy’ on Netflix. It’s based on a true story, and it’s very good. I’m always surprised to see Sasha Baron Cohen in a serious role. 

Here’s Sit Walter Scott. I don’t think he did or said anything that’s unacceptable nowadays...

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