Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

He’s worth it!

It was hot’n’sunny this morning! Summer isn’t over yet, yay! Archie and I sat out in the front garden to await Becky and Daniel, then when he’d gone out, Hazel came over for a coffee just as JR returned from the gym - coffees all round.

We then went for a walk to the canal, but I had food stop in mind - we went to Loudon’s, which is dog friendly, has nice food and… they don’t play MUZAK! Yes, it’s just gentle chatter of happy punters and it’s such a treat. Mind you, we sat outside, as it was sunny, so could only appreciate the ‘no muzak’ vibes as we walked through the busy cafe.

We were both very happy with our choices and enjoyed sitting in the sun - very continental. Archie sighed, lay down in the shade and waited patiently. He’s learning.

We walked back along the canal and home over the Links, though JR and Archie took a detour and went slightly further.

I was just settling down for a snooze  read of the papers, when Brian arrived to cut our hedge, as promised. Yay! We both helped by sweeping up, and it didn’t take very long at all. He’s happy to do it for a Belgian beer! He’s a Very Good Find. (Extra)

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