Thank you for the well wishes!!

I haven't been through all the pictures, but at least some of them turned out well!

Yesterday I took pictures of the bride's mother swinging. Today I brought them on the iPad and showed her so I could delete any she didn't like. She loved them all. 

The extra is today's "toy" - a t-shirt she was given by her matron of honor. She liked the "detail" shot I sent her yesterday that she wanted this to be part of another. 

They let me do a sunset shot and it looks lovely. I made a stab at the Brenizer panoramic - we'll see how it goes. 

Oh my poor feet. This morning while preparing breakfast, the wedding photography class said they wear black tennis shoes. I couldn't bring myself to wear tennis shoes with a suit - I will if there is a next time!!

I don't think you could have asked for a better first wedding than this one, with friends who already love your photography, who don't want anything fancy, and who are just thrilled that they didn't have to spend $4,000 for a photographer. 

I discovered you CAN open the windows in both the house - where they got ready - and in the barn where they had the reception area. Nearly everyone wore masks for nearly all of the event, until dinner at least. They had plexiglass between the people serving food at the buffet and the employees, and between people wanting something from the bar and the employee.

The reception area was initially closed. I said the doors needed to be open. The woman who owns it said that was up to the couple. I said I would reconfirm that they wanted it open, (and of course they did) and that we didn't want a super spreader event, which she wholeheartedly agreed with. There was a tragic super spreader wedding in rural Maine recently. 

The weather was great, the mosquitoes from yesterday took the day off. Things were much more casual and comfortable than I was expecting. I only made one mistake (I forgot to switch lenses for the ceremony) and it didn't amount to anything because I still got the shots I wanted. 

Thank you for the well wishes. It helped.

Jaybay, I know I paid extra attention to feet today! 

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