to a good year

A friend of mine is being contacted by Afghans she doesn't even know, Afghans who are mayors of small cities and should have better contacts than her, Afghans who have no idea what she could do to help them but they are so desperate that they are reaching out to anyone, Afghans burning all of their documents.  ( 

She works in an office where <10% of the people are vaccinated and they don't wear masks AND the AC often does not work.

Hopefully she'll be offered a new job soon. 

Hundreds of thousands in Louisiana are without power in horrible heat index weather. 

My Roanoke friend is getting ready to go. There is nothing unsaid. 

I was wished Shana Tovah at just the right moment. To a new year, let us make it a good year. L’shana tova. 

I warmed up peaches and put chopped nuts and blue cheese on them. I watched a class on flower photography. I took vintage telephoto lenses out and tried them for flower photography. Eh. It let me "reach" flowers I couldn't physically access. Tomorrow we should have sunshine and I plan to go to a botanical garden and do some more, but with a lens that has a much bigger aperture so I can do selective focus. 

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