Up town to Glass & Thomson place to meet P&K and have a spot of brunch. To find that it’s changed its name into the “New Town Fox” which is so very much less distinguished. Still agreeably New Town however. And after that, we sashayed over to the Open Eye where the SK had seen a little piece by Kirsty Wither that she liked the look of. Sufficiently liked it to reserve it. But when we saw it, neither of us cared for it that much, so we scrubbed that. The large paintings of flowers however, we liked very much indeed. Which surprised us both. Might save a bob or two on buying fresh flowers quite so often.
Later, a film, “I’m thinking of ending things” which I just loved, with Jessie Buckley in top form (as were the others it must be said). A film that’ll stay with me for sure. And although it was quite longish, with slow passages, I never lost concentration once, which is something when you’re watching from a comfy sofa in a darkened room.
The benefits of an early evening nap.
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