
By Boomerang

Shield Bug

After nearly a week of breezy, showery days, we had a very calm, warm and sunny day, ideal for working in the garden. Amazingly, despite the windless conditions. There weren't any midges to bother us. N did, he hopes, the last of the strimming for this year while I weeded some borders. While adding to the compost heap, I noticed this fine insect perched on the edge of the water tank that I use for watering the polytunnel. It was very obliging and waited until I ran into the house to get my camera. I've checked in the insect book and, apart from being a shield bug (because of its shield-like shape) I think it is more specifically a Forest Bug.
It seems ages since I spent some time in the garden and tonight we are having roast beef (island bred) and Yorkshire puddings for dinner. It's smelling good already and I have worked up a good appetite so I am really looking forward to it. It's been quite some time since we had a roast meal.

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