
By LuvU2


Today is the day to say goodbye to these lovely people who worked for us for quite a long time!

From Left to Right:
Patricia - Senior House girl - a lovely, friendly, honest and hardworking lady! An outstanding leader. She could motivate the whole team to always do their best, especially excelled in training Margaret. She will be missed as a person who became very dear to us.
Margaret - Junior House girl - lively, always laughing, very honest and hardworking! She is Manda's daughter and her wish is to become a nursing sister, which is why we employed her, in order to help her earn money to save towards her study expences!
John - Senior Guard - carries the rank of sergeant, works for Panorama Security, who are contracted to the mine to service the residences of expat managers. He was our guard for almost the whole 4 ½ years here. Very trustworthy and well mannered.
Tenfold - Junior Guard - worked for us for a few months.
Manda - Gardener cum Yard Supervisor! We loved this old man, 76 years of age, from the first day we moved here! The mine bought this house with Manda staying in the Servants Quarters, and we preferred him to stay on! When we went away on holiday we left the house keys with him. He fed the little dogs inside the house and made sure all went well while we were away. He will surely be missed by all four of us. He befriended the Alsation, Diefenbaker and we know that the dog will miss him just as much! Manda is, in a way, glad to be able to retire to his little farm on the outskirts of Ndola now.

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