Another Bug

I couldn't really find this one on Google! In Afrikaans we call it 'Stinkgogga', direct translation, 'Stinking bug'! Hehehehe!! Please help!

It squirts a foul smelling liquid from an opening at the backlegs when it feels threatened, hence the name of 'stinking bug'! ;-)

R snr is really doing good! He was up the whole day, sat in the TV Room and even went to the dentist this morning, for, believe it if you will, draining of an abscess, which caused absolute agony yesterday, the whole day, while he was waiting to be taken into the operating theatre for his hernia operation! Thank you for all the prayers and support! I must admit, yesterday was not an easy day!

I don't think this is for the squeemish, but if you'd like to see exactly how the op was done that R had yesterday,
you can check it out here.


Thanks to my dear son, Z, I have a LINK to the species!! Thx Z (MissU2)

I always forget to refer to my 1 year ago pic!! Please check out this one!! ;-)

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