New Project

Hilariously, yet again I missed a blip milestone yesterday. It was my 500th. I did not notice. I turned my computer on later to see I had 19 comments. As I don't usually get 19 views I was understandably suprised. People were saying 'Happy Blipday'. As my birthday was the previous day, I was more confused. Someone said, 'Happy 500' and then I got it. Duh.

So, that's exciting. Though the pic was a slightly out of focus one of my daughter messing about, at least it was not of cake, cats, or stationary as they so often are.

Anyway, lots of sewing today, lovely. Monday is a day when I get the afternoon to myself and I usually indulge myself with sewing and shameful or banned TV. Banned TV consists of things like Call the Midwife or The Paradise, and is not so much banned as just no fun to watch when Chris is sitting next to me struggling to keep his eyes open and saying, 'no really, I am enjoying it. Who is she again?'

Shameful TV is more along the lines of Supersize vs Superskinny or programmes featuring Kerry Katona, Katie Price, Peter Andre, failed bands of the early 2000's, or anything involving competitive weight loss or modelling. I am not proud. Tell no one.

Anyway, for a few years Betsy was in the Cubs, loved it and earned loads of badges. And for a few months, Al was in the Beavers, hated it and earned one badge without really even trying. That was a long time ago, but I kept the badges and have started to make a cushion which is going to have them all sewn on. Some are prettier than others, and I particularly like the traditional silver Fluer de Lys on a the purple, and the regional badges featuring Richmond Bridge. They haven't changed since my brother went to Cubs 40 years ago. For about five minutes.

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