Birthday Boxing Day

Spent my Birthday Boxing Day being extremely lazy indeed.

I had warned all concerned that I was going to spend today doing absolutely nothing at all.

I said that I wanted to be waited on all day, because the rest of the year I am treated like a serf. Betsy looked up, puzzled, and said, 'why do you think people treat you like a Smurf?'.

Anyway, I was waited on all day long. I even had a lovely nap on the sofa after lunch while the children watched an old episode of Merlin. Chris cooked my favourite lunch, roast chicken and bakewell tart and custard, all home made. He is a very good cook. I can flip a fishfinger but he is an excellent cook.

On Saturday evening Betsy put her coat on the dining table, and this morning Twenty and Phelps got on it after breakfast, and have spent the entire day curled up asleep on it. They didn't even get off to ask for lunch. Such is their power over the household that we ate our lunch in the kitchen so as not to disturb them.

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