Boys and their toys

N and Z popped around to see me today and shortly, after my old mate Peter stopped in too. Zak was so excited to see the motorcycle he couldn't resist 'having a go'.. It was good to see them all today. I'd not seen Pete for a few months and because it was a fine day he thought he'd call in.

Simon the electrician was here 1st thing to put the new socket in the 'old' loo where the washing machine will go mid October hopefully. He also put a socket outside for me by the patio door. He's coming back to install another on the outside at the front next week..

So quite a good day did all the washing and got it dry ready to take back tomorrow.

Spoke to C who was still very confused today but I tried not to correct her which seems the best thing at the moment otherwise she gets shirty.. Every time I speak I ask her what she's had for lunch an hour before, and everyday she cant remember....

Thanks for looking in everyone and my apologies for ajring my washing in public.


1 extra

Ps Aylesbury experienced an earthquake this morning which registered 3.8 on the Richter Scale.

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