
By MerlotsDad

When is a lamp not a lamp

When it's a duck.
Well it looks like duck.... doesn't it?
I spotted it in Cs room and just turned it around.

Good journey in today and she was less confused. She tested positive for a urine infection hence her back ward steps on Monday. Interesting to note that she's had one each month July August and September. I saw the Dr and asked what the bug was - last month it was e coli.
This month they're growing a culture to see what develops and maybe come up with a plan to rid her of this or these bugs.
Lots of washing to bring home again which is now on the line.. It would appear that her accidents are less frequent now.

Had a good chat with the Doc and one or two of the staff. C is worried about about an assessment tomorrow by the psychologist and rang me just now to ask what she needed to do..

Just cooking some chicken for d inner and then there'll be some cold for tomorrow.

Thanks for calling in and for your encouraging comments.


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