twinned with trumpton


A game of 2 halves.  

WFH there were occasional IT glitches I managed to complete some domestic chores too.

Out at lunchtime via the bike shop to drop off the Giant back wheel for a new tyre. And WFHH in the afternoon.  The Turkey trip was booked; and then a long list of what  needs doing was made. 

A forage and a 2nd Ian Rankin spot - jogging in the Meadows. It's not quite as exciting as celeb spotting during the Festival,  but needs must...

My 88p roast chicken was accompanied by an  apple fennel pomegranate dill salad and there was another valiant but unsuccessful attempt to polish off the blackberry upside down cake.... damn but its tasty.

Canonmills for a blip on the way home.

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