
By cowgirl

Hall Of Flame

Just received my South Australian Fire Fighters calendar from my cousin, Jill, who lives near Adelaide. I've had a couple of these over the years and whilst reading the info in the back of the 2006 edition I noticed that the Police and Fire Fighter 'Olympics' would be in Adelaide in the following March.

Grandpa was still alive then, also living near Adelaide and he offered to pay for my flight if I wanted to go over whilst the city was full of competitors for the event. Like I was going to say no!

Inbetween oggling at firemen ( thank you to the Spanish team for performing The Full Monty! ) I got to spend time alone with my Grandpa for the first time in all my 41yrs.

Six months later Grandpa died. As my visa was still valid, I was able to go to the funeral and help my cousin move house ( a great way to take your mind off a funeral I can tell you ).

Haven't been back to Australia since then, but reckon it's about time ... Will Blip the guys from time to time!

Thanks Jill!

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