
By ayearinthelife

The Last Time

“Well this could be the last time
This could be the last time
Maybe the last time
I don't know....”

Our first - socially distanced - rehearsal for Cinderella 2021. But given that it took place on the day Boris announced his “Rule of 6” it may also be our last rehearsal for some time. Well, last one with more than six people present anyway.
Opinion seems to be that as this is not strictly a “social” gathering, and that it takes place in Covid compliant premises, then we should fall into the same category as - say - pubs and restaurants. Clarification may be required, but I suspect the needs of amateur theatrical societies is not exactly high on the government’s list of priorities!
In case things don’t work out and from next Monday onwards we have to reduce the numbers at rehearsal - or even put them on hold for the time being - we are having a full cast run through on Sunday which will also incorporate coffee and cake. Might as well go out in style though, hopefully, common sense will prevail and we will be able to continue rehearsing.
And the actual performances? Well that comes firmly in the “how long is a piece of string” category at the moment. We really have no idea when (if?) we can perform and if we can, to what sort and size of audience that will be.
But, the old adage applies - The Show Must Go On!

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