
Back to work and today; I was on the till. It can be a bit of a challenge at times, conducting a conversation across a perspex shield, although we have installed a speaker system to help with this. Our customers have all been very patient and I think they are all glad to be back, although who knows how long that will last..

When I arrived back home, D was having a (virtual) tutorial, so I took Jess out for a walk along the river. 

Here she is at the end of our drive, waiting for me to put on her lead. She is being very patient while I take the photo, but is really keen for us to get going! We both enjoyed our walk and Jess had a wee swim, too.

I have now done 34 out of the 72 Miles For Refugees. Like sleeping out for the homeless, it doesn't provide any real insight into the plight of desperate people. I'm not fundraising, but hope that it will encourage people to remember that the refugee crisis is ongoing. Our wonderful local charity MOOL is a shining example of how a group of committed people can make a difference.

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