Clark Tales

By cclark

Ball Bobbing

Today was a day of volunteer work, here's Mo my old colleague at Victim Support were I still help out. She and Myrian in the office have taken to using these giant gym balls to sit at their desks instead of the conventional chair. Allegedly its good for your back as you have to work to find a position that's good and always move around so you're not stuck in a bad/slumped position for any length of time and because you're moving around its giving you an easy work out too?!?!?! May try it - but was bizarre

Later it was lunch with the wonderful Jo, a much needed catch up.

Picked up Olivia and Lily after school and it was pancake time! We also had a lovely dinner and bath time with M as well as building Lego! Feels like midnight, it is my Friday but I might need to have an early one!

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