Predawn Kingston Riverside.

An early Blip for me. The parks being closed turned out to be a blessing for me today. I took a few photos by the Kingston Bridge then decided to go home for a cup of tea as it was quite a chilly morning. Mum (94) rarely surfaces before 8.00am. I sneaked in to find her on the kitchen floor. She had slipped on her way to the bathroom. Usual story - panic button was hanging on her bed post. I was mortified. It had only just happened. I had to call the ambulance as I could not get her up and there was blood everywhere from a nasty laceration on her left arm where she had collected the door post as she went down. The ambulance was here very quickly. The paramedics were lovely. They were concerned about her arm so Mum has been taken to Kingston Hospital. Of course I could not go with her.
It just goes to show that one's life can change direction in a split second.
Apologies for sharing, I feel so guilty about it all, but  feel better now that I have got it off my chest so to speak.  ((:

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