Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Friday-night silliness

G&J are both a little over half my age and had invited me round for a pleasant evening of silliness. They had also invited L who is a little over half their age and whom I had met once before.

I remember conversations with my Grandfather during his (and the) 90s about the advancement of technology in the 20th Century and how his lifespan had begun with horse-drawn travel and steam trains and had seen space travel and audio-books.

So I am not surprised that spending thirteen years out-of-circulation as a low-tech subsistence-farmer means that I have not kept up with the technological trends apparently essential to those a great deal younger than me. And it doesn't bother me in the slightest that most of their memes (or whatever) go right over my head.

G&J were fascinated by the concept of spending more hours than not away from the internet and L is still developing the art of real-time face-to-face conversation.

But we were all agreed that an image of her Majesty in her dog-walking water-proofs was well-suited to the mistletoe wreath above the fireplace.

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