
Up at 8am to drive down to Aubenas to pick up my horribly large hire van with the stove in the back. 
Drive up with trepidation to the house and with DS#1 and a couple of iron bedrails we unload it out of the van.
Drive the van back along the same narrow mountain roads and return it.
Drive car back from the valley and arrive at the house six hours after I first left it.
And then we had to move it to to the courtyard. lift it up six rickety stone steps and put it in place.
Happy days.
DS#1 and Charlotte A's last night and again much preparation went into the meat in particular. Here the three day marinated pork skers are resting in foil whilst the final touches are applied to the cured and pressed belly pork. All however tasted as if the effort was worthwhile.

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