Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


A sensible group of six of us took a walk along the towpath upstream from Maidstone to East Farleigh and back again. I've never been to Maidstone before and had no idea what a lovely town it is, and the walk along the river is gorgeous.

We walked along the left bank where house-boats are moored at private moorings and the inhabitants of each boat has their own private patch of land. Some grow flowers, some grow vegetables, there are one or two small orchards, and some have only lawns where visiting friends or family can pitch tents.

On the opposite bank are enormous houses with vast gardens sweeping down to private jetties and the thought of how hard those poor people must have worked to earn such wealth almost made me choke.

The bridge at East Farleigh is the “finest in Southern England” and dates from the 14th century. The church apparently pre-dates the bridge by a couple of hundred years and there is a rather lovely old school hall next door.

Private garden jetty
East Farleigh bridge
Old School Hall


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