
There’s not much left of this bicycle or for that matter of the poor moth. I wonder if the vandals will be back for the bike pedals- it seems a shame not to have them too. I’ve never seen a chain being taken before but there’s always a first and I presume it can’t have been too rusty. Strangely there was a chain lying on a pavement about 500yds away. Maybe there’s a connection.

The poor moth was being systematically dismembered on my patio by two wasps until there was nothing left but the wings. It never stood a chance.

I had the pleasure of having a dental check up this morning for free. That’s never happened before. Having presented myself precisely on time and waited outside until being allowed in to the surgery, I then had to wait a further 30minutes to have my teeth excavated by that nasty pointy tool. No mouth wash or high pressure water deep clean. I wasn’t complaining, only delighted to be outside again without having paid a penny and without the dreaded mask.

I walked home collected the Maggie’s baking and did a route march to the WGH to hand it over. Instead of opting for a cushy bus trip home, I set off again on shank’s pony, but it’s all uphill going home and I was getting weary. All this walking at my age is shrinking me still more ; by the time I finish the challenge I’ll be invisible. I made it home with nearly 8miles on Strava so have now 124 miles on the clock this month. I wonder if I’ll manage the 200 miles I’ve set myself. The original 100K was no challenge at all.

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